
How to Get A Better Physical and Mental Work Environment

How to Get A Better Physical and Mental Work Environment

A bad work environment is paramount to whether you thrive in your workplace. In recent years, there has been a greater focus on improve working conditions, but there are still many who experience bad conditions in the workplace for several different reasons.
How to Get A Better Physical and Mental Work Environment

But what characterizes a good working environment? And what can you do yourself to fix a bad work environment?

You can get answers to this here, where you can find out which signs you need to keep an eye on in your workplace and what you can do yourself to create a better working environment.

5 signs of a poor working environment:

  • There are many sick leaves at your workplace
  • There is no community between colleagues
  • There is a large turnover of employees 
  • You experience that the needs of the employees are not taken into account
  • Management does not listen when problems are pointed out – both mental, physical and social

How to recognize a bad work environment?

A bad working environment can be seen both mentaly, physicaly and socialy. And no matter what creates the bad working environment, being a part of it can be hugely exhausting. It is harmful both for you as an employee and for you as a manager – because it becomes expensive in the long run when absence increases and efficiency decreases.

How do you recognize a bad work environment, and what can you do improve it?

A bad working environment can be anything from bullying to poor physical conditions. Overall, the work environment is conditioned by the relationships and conditions you encounter in your workplace. A badworking environment can therefore arise if the management does not listen to the employees, or if the office chair is outdated, so you get back pain. But a bad work environment is not a motivating work environment, and therefore it will ultimately also affect the management.

What should I do if I have a bad work environment?

If you come home from work every day and feel drained, depressed and completely out of energy, this is some of the many indications that it is time for changes to take place in your workplace. But it can be difficult to know where and how to change the bad work environment. 

If the work environment is bad due to social or psychological reasons, it can be difficult for one person to create a solution. If you experience problems such as stress, bullying or other factors that create an unpleasant atmosphere, it is the responsibility of the management and the workplace to ensure that the problems are rectified.

No two cases are alike, and whether it’s a single person or an entire group experiencing it, it’s important that the issue comes to light. Talk to your occupational health and safety representative if you have one. It is the responsibility of this person to take care of the mental as well as the physical work environment. Also talk to your colleagues about what you all can do to improve the work environment.

Luckily more and more workplaces are succeeding in incorporating movement and exercise in the workplace to create a better environment and happier employees.

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