Diversity in Middle Eastern Companies

Embracing Diversity

Diversity encompasses more than just gender or ethnicity. It’s about embracing differences in perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds. In the Middle East, companies that prioritize diversity benefit from a broader range of ideas, increased creativity, and better decision-making. By creating an inclusive culture that celebrates diversity, organisations can attract top talent and drive innovation.

Breaking Down Barriers

Despite the benefits of diversity, many Middle Eastern companies still face challenges in building inclusive workplaces. Cultural norms, unconscious biases, and lack of awareness can create barriers to diversity and inclusion. To overcome these obstacles, companies must invest in diversity training, promote open dialogue, and actively address bias in recruitment and promotion processes.

Cultivating Inclusive Leadership

Leaders play a crucial role in creating diversity and inclusion within their organisations. Middle Eastern companies need leaders who lead by example. Champion diversity initiatives and create a safe and inclusive environment where all employees feel valued and respected. By cultivating inclusive leadership, companies can create a culture of belonging and empower employees to bring their authentic selves to work.

Building Cross-Cultural Competence

In a region as diverse as the Middle East, cross-cultural competence is essential for success. Companies that invest in cultural intelligence training for their employees can bridge cultural divides, enhance communication, and build stronger relationships with clients and colleagues from different backgrounds. By building cross-cultural competence, companies can unlock the full potential of their diverse teams and drive business growth.


Diversity is a strength, and Middle Eastern companies that embrace it stand to reap numerous benefits. By creating an inclusive culture, breaking down barriers, cultivating inclusive leadership, and building cross-cultural competence, companies can create diverse teams that drive innovation, creativity, and success in today’s competitive marketplace.

Hiring Across Cultures in the Middle East

Understanding Cultural Differences

The Middle East is a melting pot of diverse cultures, with each country having its own unique practices and customs. From the formal hierarchy in Saudi Arabia to the more relaxed business environment in the UAE, recruiters must be well-versed in the cultural nuances of each region. Understanding these differences is crucial for building strong relationships with both candidates and clients.

Embracing Diversity

Diversity is not just a buzzword, it’s a strength. In the Middle East, companies that embrace diversity benefit from a wealth of perspectives and ideas, leading to greater innovation and creativity. By creating an inclusive workplace culture, organisations can attract top talent from diverse backgrounds and create a more dynamic and vibrant workforce.

Bridging Communication Gaps

Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful recruitment. In a region as diverse as the Middle East, recruiters often encounter language barriers and communication challenges. To overcome these obstacles, it’s essential to leverage technology, such as translation tools, and to invest time in building strong relationships with candidates and clients.

Building Trust

Trust is the foundation of any successful business relationship, and it’s particularly important in the Middle East. In many Middle Eastern cultures, business is conducted based on personal relationships and trust. Recruiters must prioritise building trust with both candidates and clients through open and transparent communication, honesty, and integrity.


Hiring across cultures in the Middle East requires a nuanced approach. By understanding cultural differences, embracing diversity, bridging communication gaps, and building trust, recruiters can navigate this complex landscape with confidence. By creating an inclusive and culturally sensitive recruitment process, companies can attract top talent and drive success in the dynamic Middle Eastern market.

Discover Scandinavian Values for Success

Happiness in the Nordic Countries

For nearly a decade, the five Nordic countries – Finland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Iceland – have consistently ranked among the top ten happiest countries in the world. These countries have even dominated the top three positions in the World Happiness Report (WHR) in recent years. This high level of happiness is a testament to the strong societal values and quality of life that these nations uphold.

Openness and Honesty

The Nordic model is grounded in values such as openness and honesty. This model emphasizes looking out for those around you and ensuring that everyone has equal opportunities in life. It also focuses on caring for the environment and continually seeking new and creative approaches. Scandinavian values offer numerous benefits, and understanding them can be both enlightening and inspiring.

Transparency and Communication

Scandinavia has a long-standing tradition of transparent and clear collaborations worldwide. Being transparent means operating in a way that fosters openness and builds trust between managers and their teams. An honest approach encourages clear communication, collaboration, and mutual understanding. For instance, companies that prioritize transparency are more likely to have employees who feel valued and respected. This leads to higher morale and productivity. Transparency isn’t just about sharing information; it’s about creating an environment where people feel safe to speak up, share ideas, and ask questions.

Creativity and Innovation

Nordic culture is renowned for its creativity, innovation, and novel ways of thinking. Innovative companies continuously explore new ideas and offer new services and products. Diversity and recognizing new trends are essential characteristics of an innovative company. For example, Scandinavian companies often encourage employees to think outside the box and experiment with new approaches. This willingness to embrace change and take risks leads to groundbreaking products and services that can revolutionize industries. The emphasis on creativity isn’t limited to the workplace, it’s a cultural trait that permeates education, art, and daily life.

Compassion and Fairness

Your ability to empathize and understand what others are experiencing can create a more compassionate and empathetic workplace. Those who value compassion and fairness may be more effective at fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment. In Scandinavian countries, there is a strong focus on social welfare and equality. This is reflected in workplace policies that support work-life balance, parental leave, and equal pay. By prioritizing compassion and fairness, companies can create a supportive environment where all employees feel valued and included. This not only improves job satisfaction but also attracts top talent who seek inclusive and fair workplaces.

Commitment to Sustainable Growth

While focusing on the above factors, sustainable growth and development are also integral to the Scandinavian mindset and culture. Surrounded by breathtaking nature, a sustainable business approach is essential. This approach considers how an organization operates within ecological, social, and economic contexts in the long term. Scandinavian companies are leaders in implementing environmentally friendly practices, such as reducing carbon footprints, using renewable energy, and promoting sustainable products. This commitment to sustainability isn’t just about protecting the environment, it’s about ensuring long-term success and resilience in a changing world. By adopting sustainable practices, companies can reduce costs, enhance their reputation, and build stronger relationships with customers and communities.


By understanding and embracing these Scandinavian values, you can create a more innovative, inclusive, and sustainable organization. Whether you’re looking to improve transparency and communication, foster creativity, promote compassion, or commit to sustainable growth, there’s much to learn from the Nordic model. Let these values inspire you to build a better workplace and a brighter future. Contact Scancruit today and let us help you find the right talent to grow your company.

Effective Strategies for Keeping Employees and Creating a Positive Workplace

Create a Positive Work Environment

A positive work environment is crucial for retaining employees. It’s important for employees to feel valued, respected, and motivated. Encourage open communication, give regular feedback, and recognize achievements. Create a sense of teamwork and collaboration, promote a healthy work-life balance, and offer professional growth opportunities.

Offer Competitive Compensation and Benefits

To attract and keep top talent, offer competitive salaries and benefits. Conduct market research to ensure your compensation is in line with industry standards. Consider unique benefits that meet your employees’ needs, such as flexible work arrangements, wellness programs, and professional development opportunities.

Support Career Development and Growth

Employees are more likely to stay with a company that invests in their career growth. Implement systems that provide clear goals, regular feedback, and skill enhancement opportunities. Offer training programs, mentorship, and support for employees’ professional aspirations. Creating clear advancement paths helps employees see a future with your organization.

Promote Work-Life Balance

A healthy work-life balance is essential for employee satisfaction and retention. Encourage employees to take breaks, use their vacation time, and maintain reasonable work hours. Promote flexible work options, such as remote work or flexible schedules. Supporting work-life balance shows employees that their well-being is a priority.

Recognize and Reward Employees

Recognizing employees’ contributions builds loyalty and boosts morale. Implement an employee recognition program to acknowledge achievements and milestones. Celebrate successes publicly with verbal praise, written commendations, or incentive programs. A culture of recognition creates a sense of belonging and keeps employees engaged and committed.

Provide Regular Feedback and Performance Evaluations

Regular performance evaluations and feedback sessions help employees understand their strengths and areas for improvement. These discussions give employees the chance to voice concerns, seek clarification, and receive guidance. Regular feedback ensures employees feel supported and valued while allowing managers to address any issues promptly.


Retaining talented employees is key to any organization’s long-term success. By creating a positive work environment, offering competitive compensation and benefits, supporting career growth, and promoting work-life balance, companies can enhance employee satisfaction and retention. Additionally, creating a culture of recognition and open communication will create a loyal and engaged workforce. Investing in your employees’ well-being and development is an investment in your company’s future success.

Top Industries and Opportunities in Dubai

Hospitality and Tourism

Dubai’s hospitality and tourism sector is renowned worldwide for its luxury resorts, iconic landmarks, and unparalleled visitor experiences. From hotel management and event planning to tourism marketing and guest services. There’s no shortage of opportunities for hospitality professionals in Dubai. With the upcoming Expo 2020 set to attract millions of visitors from around the globe, the demand for skilled professionals in the hospitality sector is expected to soar, presenting ample opportunities for career growth and advancement.

Technology and Innovation

Dubai is on a mission to become a global hub for technology and innovation, and the city’s burgeoning tech scene is evidence of this ambition. From fintech and e-commerce to artificial intelligence and blockchain, Dubai offers a fertile ground for tech-savvy professionals to thrive. With initiatives like Dubai Internet City and Dubai Silicon Oasis driving innovation and entrepreneurship. The city is attracting talent from around the world, making it an exciting destination for those looking to make an impact in the tech industry.

Healthcare and Wellness

Dubai’s commitment to providing world-class healthcare services has fueled the growth of its healthcare and wellness sector. From hospitals and clinics to wellness centers and medical tourism, there’s a growing demand for healthcare professionals across various specialties. With investments in healthcare infrastructure and the recent launch of Dubai Healthcare City. The city offers abundant opportunities for doctors, nurses, allied health professionals, and healthcare administrators to excel in their careers and make a difference in people’s lives.

Construction and Real Estate

Dubai’s iconic skyline is a testament to its ambitious construction and real estate projects. Which have reshaped the city’s landscape and propelled its economic growth. From skyscrapers and residential developments to mega-projects like Expo 2020 and Dubai South. The construction and real estate sector offers a myriad of opportunities for professionals with expertise in construction management, architecture, engineering, and property development. With a pipeline of ambitious projects on the horizon, the sector promises continued growth and expansion in the years to come.

Finance and Banking

As a global financial hub, Dubai’s finance and banking sector plays a crucial role in driving economic growth and development in the region. From multinational banks and investment firms to Islamic finance institutions and fintech startups. Dubai offers a dynamic and diverse ecosystem for finance professionals to thrive. With a strong emphasis on innovation and digital transformation, the sector presents exciting opportunities for professionals with expertise in banking operations, wealth management, risk analysis, and financial advisory services.


In conclusion, Dubai’s job market is teeming with opportunities across various industries, offering something for everyone. Whether you’re passionate about hospitality, technology, healthcare, construction, or finance. Scancruit can help you find your dream job and take your career to new heights. Contact us today to embark on your journey to success in Dubai’s dynamic job market. Let us help you navigate the path to a brighter future with confidence and clarity.

Why Dubai Businesses Need Recruitment Companies

Expert Insight, Local Expertise

Recruitment agencies in Dubai possess intricate knowledge of the local job market. They understand the pulse of various industries, the demand for specific skill sets, and the unique cultural dynamics shaping the business environment. This expertise allows them to pinpoint the right candidates more effectively, ensuring a seamless fit for businesses.

Efficiency Redefined

Searching for talent can be a time-intensive process for businesses. Recruitment agencies alleviate this burden by managing the entire recruitment lifecycle—from sourcing and screening to interviews and negotiations. By entrusting this process to experts, businesses can save valuable time and resources, focusing their energy on core operations.

Access to Diverse Talent

Recruitment agencies maintain extensive networks of diverse candidates, enriching the talent pool available to businesses. This diversity fosters innovation and brings fresh perspectives to organizations, propelling growth and creativity.

Tailored Solutions, Tailored Success

Recognizing that each business is unique, recruitment agencies tailor their approaches to meet specific needs. By understanding a company’s culture, requirements, and long-term goals, agencies ensure that candidates not only possess the necessary skills but also align with the ethos of the organization.

Navigating Regulatory Terrain

Dubai’s employment landscape is governed by specific laws and regulations. Recruitment agencies are well-versed in these legal complexities, ensuring that all hiring processes comply with regulatory standards. This mitigates the risk of legal complications and provides businesses with peace of mind.


In essence, leveraging recruitment companies in Dubai is not just beneficial—it’s fundamental to business success in a competitive environment. By harnessing the expertise, networks, and resources of these agencies, businesses can streamline their hiring processes, access top-tier talent, and navigate the local job market with confidence. Ready to unlock success with the right talent? Look no further than Scancruit. As Dubai’s premier recruitment agency, we specialize in connecting businesses with exceptional professionals tailored to their unique needs. Contact us today, and let’s propel your company towards unparalleled growth together.

Scancruit’s Ramadan Kindness in Dubai

A Heartwarming Gesture

In the bustling city of Dubai, amidst the fervor of Ramadan. The team at Scancruit recently undertook a heartwarming initiative to spread kindness and support within their community. On the 26th of March, 2024, they came together with a spirit of compassion to prepare and distribute Iftar bags. Essential meals to break the fast – across Dubai.

Louise Hjorth, Head of HR at Scancruit, shared her reflections on the experience, saying, “It was a humbling experience to come together as a team and extend our hands in kindness to those in our community. Witnessing the smiles and gratitude on the faces of the recipients reminded us of the true essence of Ramadan – compassion, generosity, and unity.”

Values in Action

This initiative reflects Scancruit’s deep commitment to giving back to society, a value ingrained in their core principles. Rooted in their belief in the power of collective action. The team at Scancruit sees every opportunity to make a meaningful impact and uplift the communities they serve. Sharol Pinto, another member of the Scancruit team, emphasized, “Our hope is that our small gesture of kindness will resonate with the spirit of Ramadan and inspire others to join us in spreading love and generosity.”

Extending Warm Wishes

Founded in Scandinavia and recognized globally for their excellence in recruitment. Scancruit’s dedication to social responsibility shines through in initiatives like these. As Ramadan continues, Scancruit extends warm wishes of peace, blessings, and prosperity to all. May this sacred month be a time of reflection, gratitude, and unity for individuals and communities worldwide.


Scancruit’s Iftar bag distribution in Dubai exemplifies the transformative power of compassion and collective action. In a world often characterized by division and strife. Initiatives like these remind us of the boundless potential for positive change when communities come together in the spirit of empathy and solidarity.

A Guide to Successful Recruitment in the Food and Beverage Industry

Define Your Recipe for Success

Begin your recruitment journey by carefully outlining the roles you seek to fill and the attributes you desire in candidates. Create a comprehensive job description that not only detail responsibilities and required skills but also reflect your company’s unique culture and values. By clearly defining your expectations, you’ll attract candidates who resonate with your brand principles and contribute to your company’s success.

Source Fresh Talent

To discover the ideal candidate, retain a varied approach to candidate sourcing. Make use of diverse channels such as online job boards, professional networks, and industry-specific platforms. Additionally, consider attending job fairs, culinary events, and networking gatherings to directly engage with potential candidates. By broadening your recruitment efforts, you enhance your chances of securing the perfect talent to elevate your company.

Conduct Evaluations

Moving beyond casual resume reviews, conduct thorough interviews to evaluate candidates’ technical proficiency, industry experience, and cultural alignment. Engage key team members in the interview process to ensure alignment with your company values and objectives. By carefully evaluating candidates, you’ll identify individuals who not only possess the necessary skills but also embody the qualities essential for success in your company.

Enhance Your Offerings

In today’s competitive job market, compelling benefits are essential in attracting and retaining top-tier talent. In addition to competitive salaries, consider offering benefits such as healthcare coverage, retirement plans, and opportunities for career advancement. Implement unique benefits like employee discounts, wellness initiatives, and professional development programs to differentiate your offering and attract top talent. By providing a comprehensive benefits package, you demonstrate your commitment to supporting your team’s well-being and professional growth, creating loyalty and engagement.

Create a Nurturing Environment

Just as quality ingredients thrive in optimal conditions, cultivate a workplace culture that nurtures growth, collaboration, and innovation. Recognize and reward excellent performance, provide ongoing training and mentorship, and create open communication and feedback channels. Prioritise employee well-being and professional development to create an environment favorable to team success. By creating a nurturing work environment, you empower your team to unleash their creativity and contribute to your business’s growth and success.


Crafting an exceptional team requires careful planning, effective sourcing, strict evaluation, and a commitment to creating a supportive work environment. By following the principles outlined in this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to collect a talented and motivated team that drives excellence in the food and beverage industry. Should you require assistance along the journey, Scancruit stands ready to provide specialised recruitment solutions and expertise within the food and beverage sector. Contact us today to grow your team and ensure your business thrives in the vibrant landscape of food and beverage.

Emiratization and Saudization in the Modern Workplace

Understanding Emiratization and Saudization

Emiratization and Saudization are nationalization programs designed to increase the participation of locals in the workforce, particularly in the private sector. The UAE introduced Emiratization to address the imbalance in its labor market and promote economic sustainability. Similarly, Saudization in Saudi Arabia seeks to reduce unemployment rates among Saudi nationals and build a skilled and competitive workforce.

The Core Principles

Embracing Emiratization and Saudization is not just about meeting quotas, it’s about cultivating a culture of innovation and growth. By integrating local talent into the workforce, companies can benefit from diverse perspectives and ideas, driving creativity and adaptability. These programs promote diversity by bridging the gap between expatriate and local workers.

A diverse workforce brings together a variety of skills and experiences, creating a rich and dynamic environment that creates collaboration and understanding. To excel in Emiratization and Saudization involves not only meeting regulatory requirements but also going beyond them. Companies that proactively engage in these initiatives demonstrate a commitment to societal development and corporate responsibility.

Navigating the Recruitment Process

As businesses gear up to embrace Emiratization and Saudization, effective recruitment becomes crucial. Collaborate with organisations and agencies specialising in Emiratization and Saudization recruitment. Establishing partnerships with entities that understand the nuances of these programs can streamline the hiring process and ensure compliance. Invest in training programs that enhance the skills of local talent.

By providing opportunities for professional development, companies can contribute to the growth of a skilled workforce, aligning with the broader goals of Emiratization and Saudization. Create inclusive workplaces that celebrate diversity. Create an atmosphere where both local and expatriate employees feel valued and appreciated, encouraging a collaborative and harmonious work environment.


As the global job market becomes increasingly competitive, businesses that embrace Emiratization and Saudization are better positioned for long-term success. These programs builds a workforce that reflects the diverse and dynamic nature of the region. By strategically navigating the recruitment process and creating inclusive environments, companies can contribute to the realization of a prosperous and sustainable future for both the UAE and Saudi Arabia. Scancruit is excited to be your strategic partner on this transformative journey towards Emiratization and Saudization excellence.

Insights for Successful Finance Recruitment

Clear and Comprehensive Job Descriptions

Begin your recruitment journey by creating a clear and comprehensive job descriptions. Outline the specific skills, qualifications, and experience required for the role. By providing a detailed overview of responsibilities and expectations, you set the foundation for attracting candidates with a tailored skill set aligned with your organisational needs.

Embracing Technology for Efficiency

Incorporate technology into your recruitment process to enhance efficiency. Utilize Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) for streamlined resume management and candidate tracking. Additionally, leverage online platforms and professional networks to expand your candidate pool. Technology not only saves time but also allows for a more thorough and organized recruitment process.

Building Strategic Industry Networks

Make strategic connections within the finance industry by actively participating in relevant events and engaging with professionals on platforms such as LinkedIn. Building a robust industry network not only provides valuable insights but also opens doors to a diverse pool of qualified candidates. Networking is a powerful tool in the recruitment process.

Balancing Technical and Soft Skills

Recognize the importance of both technical proficiency and soft skills. During the interview process, assess candidates for their technical capabilities, interpersonal skills, adaptability, and communication abilities. A well-rounded evaluation ensures that the chosen candidate not only possesses the necessary technical skills but also aligns with your organisation’s culture.

Competitive Compensation Packages

Research industry standards to offer competitive compensation packages. Beyond salary, highlight additional benefits and perks that showcase your organization’s commitment to employee well-being and professional development. A comprehensive compensation package is a key factor in attracting and retaining top finance recruitment talent.

Conducting Comprehensive Interviews

Elevate your interview process by researching beyond the surface. Use behavioral and situational questions to assess problem-solving abilities and the candidate’s fit within your organisation. Incorporate case studies to evaluate practical application of knowledge. Thorough interviews ensure that the selected candidate is not only qualified on paper but also possesses the skills necessary for success in the role.

Articulating Company Culture

Effectively communicate your organization’s values and culture throughout the recruitment process. Share testimonials from current employees to provide potential candidates with a genuine understanding of the work environment. A transparent description of your company culture helps attract candidates who align with your organisational principles.

Highlighting Growth Opportunities

Illustrate the potential for career growth within your organisation. Outline clear career paths and emphasize your commitment to ongoing professional development. Highlight mentorship programs, training initiatives, and other growth opportunities to attract candidates who are eager to invest in their professional journey.


Successful finance recruitment is a process that requires careful consideration and strategic planning. By incorporating these comprehensive strategies, Scancruit aims to assist you in building a team of skilled and dedicated finance professionals. Remember, the recruitment process is not just about filling positions, it is about strategically aligning talent with organisational goals for mutual success.