Why Companies Should Offer Remote Work and Flexibility

Improved Work-Life Balance

One of the biggest benefits of remote work and flexibility is that it can improve employees’ work-life balance. Employees who work remotely can avoid long commutes and have more time to spend with their families or pursue hobbies and interests outside of work. This can lead to happier, more engaged employees who are better able to manage their stress levels and achieve a better work-life balance.

Increased Productivity

Contrary to what some may think, remote work can actually increase productivity. When employees work remotely, they can avoid distractions in the office and have more control over their work environment. They also have the flexibility to work during their most productive hours, which can lead to better quality work and improved job satisfaction.

Cost Savings

Offering remote work and flexibility can also be cost-effective for companies. When employees work remotely, they can save money on commuting costs and other expenses associated with working in an office. Companies can also save money on overhead costs such as rent, utilities, and office supplies.

Access to a Larger Talent Pool

Remote work and flexibility can also help companies access a larger talent pool. When companies offer work from home options, they can recruit and hire employees from anywhere in the world, rather than being limited to a specific geographic location. This can help companies find the best talent for their open positions, regardless of where they are located.

Improved Employee Retention

Offering remote work and flexibility can also improve employee retention rates. When employees have the flexibility to work from home or adjust their schedules to fit their needs, they are more likely to stay with the company long-term. This can lead to a more stable workforce and lower turnover rates.


There are many reasons why companies should offer remote work and flexibility to their employees. From improved work-life balance and increased productivity to cost savings and access to a larger talent pool, remote work, and flexibility can benefit both companies and employees. As we move forward into a post-pandemic world, it’s important for companies to consider offering these options to attract and retain top talent and stay competitive in the job market. 

Scandinavian Views and Values

Scandinavian Views and Values refer to the cultural, social, and political beliefs and practices that are common in the Scandinavian countries of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland. Some of the key values include a strong emphasis on social welfare, equality, individualism, and democracy. Scandinavian societies are often characterized as being highly democratic with a low power distance and a strong commitment to gender equality.

Work-Life Balance

In Scandinavia, it is common to value a healthy work-life balance. As a matter of fact, employees are encouraged to take time off for leisure activities, and family responsibilities, and flexible working arrangements are widely available. This is seen to improve both work satisfaction and overall quality of life.


Scandinavian countries have some of the world’s highest levels of gender equality. They are known for their commitment to equal opportunities. This is reflected in their approach to hiring and promoting employees. As well as in their workplace culture, where everyone is encouraged to participate and contribute.


The Scandinavian region has a strong tradition of environmental awareness and concern for sustainability. This is reflected in the way that companies operate, with a focus on reducing waste, conserving resources, and minimizing their impact on the environment. Many companies also prioritize sustainability in their supply chains and work with suppliers to minimize their carbon footprint.


Scandinavian companies are known for their innovative approach to business. They place a strong emphasis on research and development. They are always looking for new and better ways to do things. The focus on innovation is driven by a desire to stay ahead of the curve and create long-term value for customers, employees, and the environment.


Collaboration is a key part of the Scandinavian business culture. Companies often work together on projects, sharing expertise and resources, and pooling their knowledge to achieve a common goal. This approach is seen to maximize efficiency and improve outcomes for everyone involved.


The values and views of Scandinavian businesses reflect a commitment to work-life balance, equality, sustainability, innovation, and collaboration. These principles help to create a culture of trust, transparency, and respect, which in turn drives success and satisfaction for employees, customers, and the broader community.

3 Reasons Why Companies Should Strive to Become More Sustainable 

Boosting Reputation and Attracting Customers

One of the key benefits of sustainability is the positive impact it can have on a company’s reputation. Consumers today are increasingly conscious of the environmental and social impact of the products and services they use. Companies that can demonstrate a commitment to sustainability are more likely to attract and retain customers, who are looking for products and services that align with their values.

Improving Operational Efficiency and Reducing Costs

Sustainability also has a positive impact on a company’s bottom line. By reducing waste, improving energy efficiency, and minimizing the use of non-renewable resources. Companies can save money and improve their overall operational efficiency. For example, reducing energy consumption can lead to lower energy bills, while reducing waste can reduce the cost of waste management.

Ensuring Long-Term Business Success

Finally, sustainability is important for ensuring long-term business success. By reducing the company’s impact on the environment and promoting social responsibility. Companies can reduce their risks and ensure they are well-positioned for the future. For example, companies that rely on finite natural resources are exposed to risks associated with resource shortage and price unpredictability, while companies that engage in environmentally destructive practices are at risk of regulatory action and reputational damage.

To become more sustainable, companies can adopt a range of initiatives. Such as reducing energy and water consumption, using renewable energy sources, reducing waste, and promoting environmentally responsible products and services. Companies can also engage with stakeholders, including employees, customers, and suppliers, to develop sustainability initiatives and programs that align with their goals and values.


There are many compelling reasons why companies should strive to become more sustainable. By boosting reputation, improving operational efficiency, and ensuring long-term business success, companies can build a more resilient and sustainable future for themselves, their employees, and the environment. Scancruit plants a tree in the Scandinavian forests for each successful recruitment. Planting a tree is a beautiful and useful gift for the future and help for a better environment and climate.

How Managers Can Support Mental Health in the Workplace 

Create an Open and Supportive Work Environment

Creating a work environment that is open and supportive is the foundation of promoting mental health in the workplace. Encourage employees to share their thoughts and feelings and be open to discussing any mental health concerns they may have. Managers should also be proactive in addressing any workplace stress factors or toxic work environments that could be contributing to employees’ mental health issues.

Promote Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is an important factor when it comes to mental health, and managers can play a key role in promoting it. Encourage employees to take breaks throughout the day, limit after-hours work, and provide flexible work arrangements such as telecommuting and flexible schedules. This helps employees manage their workload and reduces stress levels, which can positively impact their mental well-being.

Offer Employee Assistance Programs

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) are a valuable resource for employees who are struggling with mental health issues. These programs provide confidential counseling services, support groups, and other resources to help employees manage their mental health. Managers should promote EAPs and encourage employees to use them when needed.

Encourage Self-Care

Self-care is an important aspect of mental health and managers should encourage employees to prioritize it. This can include encouraging employees to take time off when they need it, promoting healthy habits such as exercise and mindfulness practices, and providing access to mental health resources and support.

Provide Training and Awareness

Managers can play an important role in raising awareness about mental health in the workplace by providing training and education to employees. This can include mental health workshops, training sessions on stress management and resiliency, and training on how to support coworkers who are struggling with mental health issues.

Lead by Example

Finally, managers can set an example by promoting a culture of mental health and well-being. This means taking care of their mental health, encouraging employees to prioritise their well-being, and being open about their struggles with mental health. By doing so, managers can create a culture of empathy, understanding, and support in the workplace.


Supporting mental health in the workplace is an important responsibility for managers. By creating an open and supportive work environment, promoting work-life balance, offering employee assistance programs, encouraging self-care, providing training and awareness, and leading by example, managers can help employees maintain their mental well-being and create a healthier work environment for everyone.

How Small Companies Can Compete for Top Talent 

Offer Flexibility

One of the biggest advantages of small companies is that they can often offer more flexible work arrangements than larger companies. This can include flexible schedules, the ability to work from home, and the option to take time off when needed. By offering flexibility, small companies can appeal to top talent who are looking for a better work-life balance.

Provide Growth Opportunities

Small companies often offer employees more opportunities for growth and advancement than larger companies. This can be especially appealing to top talent who are looking for a career that offers opportunities for growth and development. By offering career development opportunities, small companies can provide a path for employees to progress in their careers and achieve their professional goals.

Promote a Positive Work Culture

Small companies often have an intimate, family-like atmosphere that can be very appealing to top talent. By promoting a positive work culture that values employees and their contributions, small companies can create a supportive and engaging work environment that will attract top talent. This can include regular team-building activities, a focus on employee well-being, and a commitment to open and honest communication.

Provide Competitive Compensation Packages

While small companies may not be able to match the salaries and benefits offered by larger companies, they can still offer competitive compensation packages. This can include flexible benefits packages that allow employees to choose the benefits that are most important to them, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off. Additionally, small companies can offer other benefits such as stock options, performance-based bonuses, and flexible work arrangements.

Invest in Employee Development

Investing in employee development is another way that small companies can compete for top talent. By providing employees with opportunities for learning and growth, small companies can create a work environment that is attractive to top talent. This can include regular training sessions, access to professional development resources, and opportunities to attend industry events and conferences.

Promote Work-Life Balance

Finally, promoting work-life balance is another way that small companies can compete for top talent. By providing employees with the tools and resources they need to achieve a healthy balance between work and personal life, small companies can create a supportive and engaging work environment that will attract top talent. This can include flexible work arrangements, access to health and wellness resources, and opportunities for personal development.


Small companies can compete for top talent by offering flexible work arrangements, providing growth opportunities, promoting a positive work culture, providing competitive compensation packages, investing in employee development, and promoting work-life balance. By focusing on these key areas, small companies can create a work environment that is appealing to top talent and ensure that they can compete for the best employees.

4 Ways to Create a Better Workplace

Encourage Open Communication

Open and effective communication is essential for creating a positive work environment. When employees feel that their ideas and opinions are valued, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated in their work. Encourage open communication by creating channels for employees to provide feedback and suggestions, holding regular meetings, and promoting an open-door policy for management.

Additionally, it is important to listen to employees and take their feedback seriously. This can be accomplished by regularly checking in with employees, providing opportunities for anonymous feedback, and following up on suggestions and concerns promptly.

Promote a Positive and Inclusive Culture

Promoting a positive and inclusive culture is another important aspect of creating a better workplace. A workplace that values diversity and inclusiveness is more likely to attract and retain top talent and can also lead to increased creativity and innovation.

To promote a positive and inclusive culture, it is important to have clear policies and procedures in place that promote diversity and prevent discrimination. Additionally, it is important to provide training and education opportunities for employees to understand and appreciate different perspectives, backgrounds, and cultures.

Invest in Employee Development

Investing in employee development is another key factor in creating a better workplace. Providing employees with opportunities to learn and grow not only benefits them professionally but also helps the company by increasing their knowledge and skills.

Invest in employee development by offering training programs, attending conferences and workshops, providing mentorship opportunities, and encouraging employees to take on new challenges and responsibilities.

Offer Flexible Work Arrangements

Offering flexible work arrangements can help create a better workplace by providing employees with the ability to balance their work and personal lives. Flexible work arrangements can include remote work, flexible schedules, and job sharing, among others.

Not only can flexible work arrangements improve employee morale and job satisfaction, but they can also improve productivity and reduce stress. Additionally, offering flexible work arrangements can also help attract and retain top talent, especially for employees who have demanding personal or family responsibilities.


Creating a better workplace requires a combination of open communication, promoting a positive and inclusive culture, investing in employee development, and offering flexible work arrangements. By implementing these four strategies, organisations can create a positive and productive work environment that benefits both employees and the company.

Why Consider Using Recruitment Companies for Hiring New Candidates

Hiring new employees is a critical and time-consuming task for companies, especially for small to medium-sized businesses that don’t have a dedicated HR department. While it’s possible to handle the recruitment process in-house, there are many benefits to working with a recruitment company. Here are some of the reasons why companies should consider using recruitment companies when hiring new candidates.

Expertise and Knowledge

Recruitment companies have a wealth of expertise and knowledge about the job market, the latest hiring trends, and the best recruitment practices. They have the experience and know-how to find the right candidates for your company, saving you time and effort in the recruitment process.

Bigger Reach

Recruitment companies have a bigger reach than most companies and can access a much larger pool of potential candidates. They have a database of candidates and can use various recruiting techniques, such as social media and job boards, to find the right fit for your company. This means that companies can access a larger range of candidates, including those who may not be actively seeking a new job.


Hiring new employees can be expensive, especially if companies handle the recruitment process in-house. Recruitment companies often offer cost-effective solutions, and their fees can be more affordable than the cost of hiring a full-time HR manager or recruiter. Additionally, recruitment companies can save companies time and effort by handling the recruitment process, which frees up internal resources for other tasks.


Hiring new employees can be a time-consuming task, especially if companies handle the recruitment process in-house. Recruitment companies can handle the entire process, from sourcing candidates to conducting interviews and background checks, which saves companies time and allows them to focus on other tasks.

Database of Candidates

Recruitment companies have access to a diverse database of candidates, including those from different backgrounds, cultures, and experience levels. This means that companies can access a bigger range of candidates and find the best fit for their business needs.

Better Quality Hires

Recruitment companies have the experience and knowledge to find the right candidates for your company. They can evaluate candidates’ skills, experience, and qualifications to ensure that they are the right fit for your company. This means that companies are more likely to make better-quality hires, which can lead to improved employee retention and better business outcomes.

Compliance with Regulations

Recruitment companies are familiar with local, national, and international laws and regulations related to hiring and employment. They can help companies ensure that they are following these regulations, which can help companies avoid costly legal battles and disputes.


In conclusion, using recruitment companies for hiring new candidates can be a smart move for companies. By leveraging the expertise and knowledge of recruitment companies, companies can save time and money, access a larger range of candidates, and make better-quality hires. Whether you’re a small to medium-sized business or a large corporation, working with a recruitment company can be a cost-effective and efficient way to hire new employees.

Best Work From Home Productivity Tips 

There are many advantages of working from home, and nowadays more and more people are working a few days from home a week or fully remotely. But working from home can also be challenging, especially when it comes to staying productive and juggling the demands of your daily job, next to home and family concerns. Therefor we have put down the best work from home productivity tips, for you to stay on top of your deadlines and daily tasks when working from home. 

Get Up Early To Start Your Day

When working from home it can be tempting to sleep a little longer than usually, since you don’t have to rush to get to the office. But if you are having a difficult time staying productive, waking up early to start your day, is a good strategy. Set an alarm, early in the morning and make yourself your favorite morning beverage and start looking at your first tasks for the day. This is a great way to start your morning in a productive way. 

Time Management and Scheduling 

Time management is the process of planning and organizing how to divide your time between specific activities. The benefits of time management include better productivity, increases your focus, builds confidence, and allows you to plan your time for effectively. One of the best ways to be successful with time management is by scheduling. When creating a schedule, you will put down the tasks you need to complete each day, including breaks. Scheduling is one of the best work from home productivity tips, since it positively impacts your mental health and wellbeing. 

Set Up a Motivating Home Office 

One of the most important best work from home productivity tips, is to set up a home office space. Many remote workers and professionals who work from home, will tell you that it is necessary to have a specific working area. Whether it is a corner of a living room or a guest room, turned into an office. Your home office should be a productive and peaceful area. 

Try to Avoid Distractions 

Many surveys have shown that working from home results in increased productivity levels. Though there are a few home life distractions, that can make working from home more difficult, and you lose focus from your daily tasks. To avoid distractions, make sure to have clear communication between other members in your household, when taking a work call or meeting. 

Build Movement in Your Day 

If you want to be productive when working from home, make sure to take regular breaks and give your mind time to recharge. One of the best ways to ensuring you look after your mind and body, is by allocating time for exercise, stretches or making sure that you are not stuck in one position the whole day. Building movement into your work from home routine, has proven to reduce levels of stress, uplift your mood and stimulate your brain function. 


Working from home come with both advantages and challenges. But creating a schedule, setting clear expectations, and eliminating distractions can all enhance the productivity. Finally, remember to keep in mind, to focus on your mind and body, by building movement in your day, signing of work for the night and taking time to focus on yourself. 

How To Recruit And Retain Hospitality Employees

After the pandemic, there was a rise in candidates in the hospitality industry and many were looking for jobs. Though it didn’t take long before it turned. Suddenly there was a high amount of unfilled job vacancies and a lower unemployment rate.

The hospitality industry is ready to get back on track, but the low number of qualified candidates is slowing down the companies and is becoming an increasing concern. This results in a hiring problem in the industry and makes it difficult for companies to recruit and retain hospitality employees. 

Focus on a faster hiring process 

Before the pandemic, the hospitality industry had the advantage of a higher volume of candidates than they needed. This meant that the hiring process automatically was much more inefficient. Since they were always able to find new talented candidates. 

Now that the tables have turned, companies must focus on a faster hiring process. If they want to catch the talents before their competitors. If a candidate applies for a role and doesn’t hear from the company or if they are forced to wait weeks for an interview, this is driving the talents away. 

Keep in mind it is a candidate’s market 

In a candidate’s market, the talents have more freedom when searching for a job. They can be more critical when it comes to the salary, the working hours, and the working conditions. 

In this new candidate’s market, companies in the industry must invest the same attention, time, and money to recruit and retain hospitality employees, as they invest in their customers. The recruitment experience is a great way to start. 

Talents need to be engaged 

The hospitality industry is fighting to get back on track. Though we cannot deny that the pandemic has affected the industry. There are still some challenges to overcome. 

Therefore, the companies must focus on highlighting the benefits of the industry to recruit and retain hospitality employees. This could be the flexible schedules, good benefits, great work experience, and career opportunities around the world. If you fail to impress your candidates through the recruitment journey, you will not be able to recruit and retain hospitality employees. 


After the pandemic, the hospitality industry especially has experienced major shifts in the job market. The future is uncertain, and companies need easy and quick recruitment solutions to recruit and retain hospitality employees. 

One thing is sure, if you are still using the same hiring strategy with a stable job market in mind, you are doing something wrong.

How Recruitment Companies use Social Media

Is it possible to use social media other than LinkedIn to recruit new employees? The answer is yes! We have put down the platforms and tools you can use in your recruitment and information about how recruitment companies use social media. 

Everything you can find is searched for!

The most effective tool for the search and selection process in recruitment is search strings. You can use search tools to find the right candidate for a role, by entering the most important information into a search engine you will find candidates with the desired qualifications. Whether you are on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or similar. Boolean search strings is a great way to find qualified candidates and is the most preferred process when searching for candidates for recruitment.

If you are a recruiter, this method is often your starting point. It is a great way to get an overview of how many people match the job description and where they are located geographically. It is also a great way to create a quick list of relevant candidates you can contact. Who knows, maybe you can close the recruitment process quickly. At the same time, as a candidate, you need to make yourself attractive on LinkedIn for potential employers to recruit you. It is important to update the profile with relevant information and keywords to increase your visibility. You can read more about how to optimize your LinkedIn profile here.  

Recruitment on all digital platforms

LinkedIn is the preferred platform for recruitment. Everyone is using LinkedIn today. This is the platform where all recruiters and HR managers operate when looking for candidates they want to recruit. You may have noticed that people working in HR or recruitment have looked through your profile every now and then, or you may have been contacted by someone with an exciting job offer. But LinkedIn is not the only digital platform recruiters use when looking for the right candidate. 

Some recruiters also use Instagram or Facebook, especially when searching for a candidate within a specific industry. Facebook has countless of groups and pages of which recruiters and HR managers are members. Typically, recruiters place job postings in the group and thereby reach relevant target groups. Instagram is an effective tool for recruitment companies to develop their brand identity, authenticity, and trust. Some recruiters might also use Instagram to search and select candidates for roles within specific industries. 

Take advantage of recruitment on social media

So, if you are a recruiter there is no reason to limit yourself. Instead use all the opportunities on the different social media platforms. Do not expect that the right candidate will come from one single job post, instead search for candidates yourself and post the job in different groups. In this way you can be lucky to close the recruitment process in a short amount of time. 

If you are a job seeker, make sure to optimize the relevant digital platforms and use the right keywords to create more visibility. You may not see the result in one week, but in the long run it will make a difference. There are no restrictions when it comes to recruiting on social media and you can go a long way by recruiting or applying for jobs in a different way than everyone else!