How to Get A Better Physical and Mental Work Environment

But what characterizes a good working environment? And what can you do yourself to fix a bad work environment?

You can get answers to this here, where you can find out which signs you need to keep an eye on in your workplace and what you can do yourself to create a better working environment.

5 signs of a poor working environment:

  • There are many sick leaves at your workplace
  • There is no community between colleagues
  • There is a large turnover of employees 
  • You experience that the needs of the employees are not taken into account
  • Management does not listen when problems are pointed out – both mental, physical and social

How to recognize a bad work environment?

A bad working environment can be seen both mentaly, physicaly and socialy. And no matter what creates the bad working environment, being a part of it can be hugely exhausting. It is harmful both for you as an employee and for you as a manager – because it becomes expensive in the long run when absence increases and efficiency decreases.

How do you recognize a bad work environment, and what can you do improve it?

A bad working environment can be anything from bullying to poor physical conditions. Overall, the work environment is conditioned by the relationships and conditions you encounter in your workplace. A badworking environment can therefore arise if the management does not listen to the employees, or if the office chair is outdated, so you get back pain. But a bad work environment is not a motivating work environment, and therefore it will ultimately also affect the management.

What should I do if I have a bad work environment?

If you come home from work every day and feel drained, depressed and completely out of energy, this is some of the many indications that it is time for changes to take place in your workplace. But it can be difficult to know where and how to change the bad work environment. 

If the work environment is bad due to social or psychological reasons, it can be difficult for one person to create a solution. If you experience problems such as stress, bullying or other factors that create an unpleasant atmosphere, it is the responsibility of the management and the workplace to ensure that the problems are rectified.

No two cases are alike, and whether it’s a single person or an entire group experiencing it, it’s important that the issue comes to light. Talk to your occupational health and safety representative if you have one. It is the responsibility of this person to take care of the mental as well as the physical work environment. Also talk to your colleagues about what you all can do to improve the work environment.

Luckily more and more workplaces are succeeding in incorporating movement and exercise in the workplace to create a better environment and happier employees.

9 Things That Makes Your Employees Quit Their Job

You can probably find all sorts of reasons for why an employee chooses to leave a company. But the fact is: Employees typically do not leave their jobs, they leave their managers. Therefor we have put down 9 important reasons why employees choose to quit their job, so that you can prevent it from happening.

You push your employees too hard

Nothing drives good employees down like work pressure. It is tempting to put the best employees on the majority of work tasks, and many managers fall into that trap. But when you pressure the good employees, itcan create confusion, since It makes them feel that they are being punished for doing a good job.

Working overtime and excessive pressure have the opposite effect on productivity. A study from Stanford University shows that employee productivity deteriorates markedly every time a work week exceeds 50 hours. If a working week exceeds 55 hours, the productivity of the employees decreases so much that in reality they no longer produce anything usable.

If you want to increase the workload of a skilled employee, it is also a good idea to give the employee credit for the effort. Talented employees will be happy to take on more and more challenging work tasks if they are rewarded with, for example, more freedom, and salary supplements or a promotion. If you simply change the workload because the employee is talented, the employee will seek another position where the personreceives what they deserves.

You do not recognize and reward the good work of employees

It is easy to underestimate the effect of giving an employee credit for their efforts. Especially when your employees are top performers, who are generally motivated without outside incentives. But everyone likes recognition, especially the employees who shows extra efforts in the workplace.

You need to find out what motivates your employees and gives them the feeling that they are valued. For one employee may be a pay rise, for another may be public recognition. Whatever the employees prefer, a good manager should remember to reward if the employees have done a good job.

You do not show interest in the employees

More than half of those who leave their jobs do so because of the relationship they have with their manager. Skilled organizations make sure to have leaders who can figure out how to balance combinations of being professional and human. It is precisely such leaders who remember to celebrate an employee when he is successful, but also have empathy for the same employee when he is going through a difficult time. This kind of leader can also figure out how to challenge the employee, even when it seems unmanageable.

If you are not interested in your employees, you will always have a higher staff turnover. It is almost impossible to have an eight-hour workday in a workplace where the manager does not get involved in the general well-being of the employees, but instead worries about results.

You do not act in accordance with an agreement

When you make an agreement with an employee, it is crucial that you comply with the agreement. If you keep the agreements made with an employee, you will be valued by the employees because you prove that you are reliable – which is a very important quality of a manager.

But if you ignore your agreements, you are hard to trust. It has the effect in the workplace that others also find it difficult to keep their agreements. Because if the manager can not figure out how to keep his agreements, why should everyone else do it?

You hire and promote the wrong people

Good and hard-working employees want to work with like-minded colleagues. When you can not bother to find and hire good employees, it seems demotivating to colleagues.

Giving a promotion to the wrong employee is even worse. When an employee makes a persistent effort at work, only to see another receive the promotion, it can feel like an insult. It can make good employees leave their position.

You do not let employees pursue what they are passionate about

Talented employees are often passionate, and giving them an opportunity to pursue their passion increases their productivity and job satisfaction. But many managers prefer employees to work in a specific area. These managers fear that productivity will fall if they offer the employee flexibility. Studies show that people who have the opportunity to pursue their passion at work generally are more productive than the norm.

You do not develop employee competencies

When managers don’t give their employees a lot of attention, it often means that the managers have trust in their employees, to work very independently. But this is not always the right solution. Successful managerslead their team, no matter how talented their employees are. They pay attention to the employees, listen and give feedback to them.

When you have a talented employee, it is your responsibility to find new areas where the employee can improve and develop his or her competencies. If not, the employee will start to get bored and start looking for new opportunities.

You do not encourage creativity

The most talented employees strive to improve themselves as much as possible. Taking away the opportunity for change and improvement because you are most comfortable with the state of things can cause your employees to lose motivation. Capturing the natural desire to create not only limits employees, it also limits yourself and your company.

You do not challenge your employees

Good managers challenge their employees to achieve goals that seem unthinkable at first. Instead of setting boring gradual goals, good managers set ambitious goals that push people out of their comfort zone. After that, the manager should do everything they can to help the employee succeed. Because when talented and intelligent employees do something that is too easy or boring, they start looking for other jobs that may challenge them in a more intellectual way.

3 Signs That You Are Ready To Start Hiring

Your company is growing                                                                                 

For many companies, growth is a signal of success. But there is no denying that running a company is stressful and when your company is growing it often means that more work is being created for your team. This is one of the most common and clear indicators that you might need to start hiring new people. 

This might seem like an obvious reason, but you would be surprised how many company owners just assume that more work and stress is a normal part of the work experience. In some cases, stress should be expected, but in other cases your team and company performance might suffer if you are not hiring more people. 

Your employees are overworked or underperforming 

As an employer you must make sure that you have a dedicated team who are motivated and who want the company to succeed. Which is why their performance, attitude and work attendance can be invaluable when it comes to making the right hiring decisions

Even your most productive employees are going to be demotivated and exhausted if you are not providing them with the right support. So, if you are feeling that your employees are overworked or underperforming it might be time to start hiring more help. 

Your Business Goals Have Changed 

Have you changed your business goals or are you ready to launch something new? It is important to make sure that your current team is capable of handling extra work. It is not uncommon for companies to increase their expectations for a department. But when your employees must meet new goals, the resources assigned to the team should reflect the change including the people power. 

Hiring new employees can be expensive, but if you hire the right employees, they have the potential to increase the revenue streams and tackling more work. The key is to hire the right people for your business. Contact Scancruit today and let us help you grow your company with the right talents.