What is a CV and what Should it contain?

The CV must be considered as an appendix to the actual application and is a very important part of the application – if you do not send a curriculum vitae, you can be sure that many companies will not consider your application at all.

What is the purpose of a CV?

So, what is a CV and what is the purpose? The purpose of the curriculum vitae is to give the potential employer a quick overview of your education, work experience, skills, courses, and personal information. Therefore, the CV must be easy to read and accurately worded.

The difference between application and CV

Now you know more about what is a CV, but what is the difference between the actual application and the CV?The main difference between the application and the CV is that the curriculum vitae is a detailed document of your past experiences and qualifications. The application itself is forward-looking and an argumentation for why you should have the job.

What should a CV contain?

There are many ways to write a curriculum vitae and the perfect recipe of what should a CV contain does not exist, since it depends on what the company and employer are looking for. But we have put down an ultimate guide and we’ll teach you what is a CV and what should a CV contain. 

  • Personal data (name, address, telephone number, marital status, date of birth / year and e-mail)
  • Work experience / previous jobs, including job function, areas of responsibility, results obtained and other relevant information
  • Personal skills
  • Organizational experience
  • Education
  • Relevant courses and continuing education
  • Language skills and IT skills
  • Experience abroad
  • Other personal information

What should an application contain?

Now you know what is a CV and what should a CV contain, but now you need to focus on writing an application, to tell the company what you can contribute to the specific position. A good application is one page, where you clarify the match between your competencies and the specific tasks you must solve. 

An application should include:

  • A catchy headline
  • An introduction
  • Your motivation to apply for the job
  • A short conclusion.

80% of employers read your CV before your application, which is why it is a good investment to focus more on your curriculum vitae.

What is the typical mistakes in a CV?

The most typical mistakes people make while writing a CV is that they use almost the same profile over and over again. It is important that you adapt your resume depending on the job you are applying for and make sure that relevant competencies are clearly stated in relation to the job. 

It is also important that you do not avoid to mention any experience in the past, even if you have had a job which only lasted for 3 months. You can not choose the content of your resume yourself – you will have to stand by the experience you have had. If you are exposed in the fact that you have changed important information in your curriculum vitae, or lying about the start and end times for your employment, you risk being disqualified.

Be yourself in your CV

The style of your profile tells more about you than you think. It is important that you stick to a style that is true to you as a person, since it will reflect you and your personality. Use a professional and easy to understand language, and do not use too many foreign words. 

The curriculum vitae is a very important part in the application. Therefore, it would be a good idea to consider getting help from a professional company who know everything about what is a resume and what a resume should contain. They can help you write a catchy resume which will get you considered in the application process and get you closer to getting your dream job.  

How to Become a Top Employer in 2021?

Create a good working space

By focusing on creating a good working space, you create the absolute best conditions for your employees to evolve and solve their tasks. The better workspace you provide, the more space your employees have, to be creative and come up with good solutions. 

Know your team

Once you know your team and individual competencies, you will be confident that they will handle the tasks you ask them to do. Maybe there is some tasks which is not fulfilled which mean that you might have to look for new employees, but you also need to be aware of the capabilities the company already has. 

Listen to your team 

Giving the team influence and co-determination will increase productivity, but also be aware that you are the leader, and you must make sure that you set the guidelines. However, it is important that the team can confidently express opinions. Otherwise, potentially important things will not see the light of day, but simply remain an idea in an employee’s head.

Guide your employees

By coaching and guiding your employees, you can make them move in the direction you want. It is good for the company, develops the employees and gives a feeling that everyone is lifting the company.

Encourage creativity

By giving your employees space to be creative, different solutions will be created. Solutions that none of your competitors have invented or are working on. That way you can get a better position in the market. 

Be risk-averse

In general, it is important for top executives to be willing to take chances. If you always choose the safe way, the company may be present for many years, but it will not develop. It can be important to trust your gut feeling and the experience you have when making the big decisions.

Prioritize your time

As a manager everyone will look up to you and interact with you, therefore it is important that you can prioritize your time and tasks. 

The inexperienced manager will take on tasks such as email inbox and phone calls first, while the experienced manager chooses to solve the tasks that have the greatest effect on the company. The goal is to meet expectations, achieve goals and develop the business.

3 Signs That You Are Ready To Start Hiring

Your company is growing                                                                                 

For many companies, growth is a signal of success. But there is no denying that running a company is stressful and when your company is growing it often means that more work is being created for your team. This is one of the most common and clear indicators that you might need to start hiring new people. 

This might seem like an obvious reason, but you would be surprised how many company owners just assume that more work and stress is a normal part of the work experience. In some cases, stress should be expected, but in other cases your team and company performance might suffer if you are not hiring more people. 

Your employees are overworked or underperforming 

As an employer you must make sure that you have a dedicated team who are motivated and who want the company to succeed. Which is why their performance, attitude and work attendance can be invaluable when it comes to making the right hiring decisions

Even your most productive employees are going to be demotivated and exhausted if you are not providing them with the right support. So, if you are feeling that your employees are overworked or underperforming it might be time to start hiring more help. 

Your Business Goals Have Changed 

Have you changed your business goals or are you ready to launch something new? It is important to make sure that your current team is capable of handling extra work. It is not uncommon for companies to increase their expectations for a department. But when your employees must meet new goals, the resources assigned to the team should reflect the change including the people power. 

Hiring new employees can be expensive, but if you hire the right employees, they have the potential to increase the revenue streams and tackling more work. The key is to hire the right people for your business. Contact Scancruit today and let us help you grow your company with the right talents.